Since its founding in 1989, Caneta Research has been very much involved in energy efficiency standards development. We have prepared initial drafts for air-conditioning, heat pump and commercial refrigeration products. More than a dozen performance standards have been arranged and put through the consensus process at CSA, approved and published under Caneta staff chairmanship. On three occasions this work involved bi-national standard development with ARI, AHAM and CSA.
Energy efficiency standard development involves:
- Determining whether methods of testing for rating performance are available for harmonization opportunities with other jurisdictions (IEC, ISO, ARI, AHAM)
- Analyzing available performance data and recommending minimum and high energy standards for a product
- Estimating current energy use and energy savings possible with proposed energy standards
In addition, Caneta Research has been a consultant to Natural Resources Canada’s regulation development under the Canada Energy Efficiency Act since 1993. The work involves market and benchmark analysis of residential and commercial HVAC and refrigeration products for NRCan’s regulatory impact analysis.